So sorry to everyone, I haven't blogged in forever or given any update on anything. It has been one crazy month to say the least. So get ready, cause I have a lot to report on….
CARSSo first off... the stupid car situation. Well, the overheating of the thing is probably because a head gasket is broke. Now I knew absolutely nothing about head gaskets, or cars for that matter... but I now know that fixing one head gasket is at least $1500 and if one is broke, than more than one probably is. So the grand total of fixing the car would be
AT LEAST $2000 to start and
AT LEAST a week to fix. So my hate for mechanics carries on even stronger. Cory and I were stressed with the dilemma of a couple things:
1. Do we try to fix the car and hope it’s only $2000? And what if it’s more, which chances are it would be.
2. I was really tired of him being away from me since it had already been about 3 weeks AND I had a Doctor's appointment coming up with my new doctor that I really wanted him to come to.
3. If we wait to fix the car do we leave it in Texas, or ship it here? But if we ship the car, and our stuff AND fly Cory here we might has well paid to fix the car. Needless to say we researched hundreds of options...including selling/trading the thing. But, weird, no one wants to sell/trade a broken car. We ended up leaving the car at his work's office in Austin. Shipped 5
BIG boxes of whatever was left at the apartment, that hadn't already come in my car. And he flew to Utah to be with me. PHHHEWWW! What a crazy couple of days that was. I was totally stressed out! So now we have one car, which we were planning on doing any way to save on gas and stuff. And no one really wants to hire me to work now anyway since I'd be out on maternity leave in about 3-4 months. One car will work for now. I'm so glad I have family close to help out. We have a bunch of people that Cory worked with that are in Texas all year round, so when we save up a nice chunk of change we will get the car fixed. We will see if we bring it up to Utah or leave it there since chances are we will go back to Texas in 8-9 months anyway for Cory’s work.
MY HUSBANDYAY I finally have a husband here! WOOOOO! I missed him so so much. Poor guy had HUGE burn up his arm and a huge one on his finger that will leave quite the scar, from trying to fix the car.(question: why do guys love scars so much? In their mind it’s the bigger, the uglier the better.) I’m so grateful for all his hard work this past summer and trying as hard as he could to be with me as soon as he could. He’s been here almost a week and has been interviewing and looking for work. It will nice to have that little bit of extra change coming in since we have a crib and car seat and stroller and all sorts of fun baby stuff to find. I love you Cory! I missed you! I’m glad you’re here safe!
HOUSESWe also are pretty darn sure we found a house to rent. I'm so relieved! We found out about it the same day all the car stuff came crashing down. I think Heavenly Father knew I was gonna snap if one more thing happened and I needed some happy news, I'm so grateful for prayer..... Things are looking sooo much better now. We have a house we will most likely move into in October, that is totally a
SWEET deal!(As soon as we are all moved in I will have to have a little get together with everyone)
OTHER EXCITING THINGSI went and saw my new OBGYN yesterday. I absolutely LOVED my doctor in Texas, so I knew I would be a little bummed or disappointed no matter what. But he is really nice and definitely knows his stuff. My next visit is my test for gestational diabetes and he only makes his patients drink a cold Sprite 30 minutes before. AWESOME! I was worried I wouldn't keep that other nasty stuff down and would have to do it again. The baby and I are doing well and everything is going how it is supposed to. I’m so grateful that Hayden and I are healthy. My belly has definitely popped out the last couple weeks and I feel him kicking around in there all the time. It’s the neatest feeling. I think he will definitely keep me on my toes when he is here.
I also got a new hair cut and color! Thanks to Morgan Weaver at Mild to Wild! She did such a great job, and it was fun to catch up with her. It's so awesome to get a new hair cut and feel pretty again... I still feel kinda chubby and swollen, but I really like my hair :) I also bought my first maternity clothes last week. I am SOOO much more comfortable! I have a few more things coming from Old Navy that I got online. I love fall, it’s when I can wear cute sweaters and things. Even though September isn’t quite over, I’m gearing up for
October! I LOVE Halloween decorations, it’s such a fun holiday. I’m not a huge fan of dressing up myself, but I love seen all the cute kids dressed up in their creative costumes.
SOME SHOUT OUTS :)And last but not least, I’ve been thinking about a lot of you while I’ve been running around…
Congrats to
Devyn, she had a beautiful baby girl recently, Abby Jade Spencer. She is so darn cute and such a cute addition to their fam.
So many girls are gonna be mamas soon too!
Kami, DeeDee, Melanie… I’m so excited for you guys and am excited to see pictures of your new little ones. :) (sorry if I forgot anyone, I totally have “pregnant brain” and forget things all the time.)
My cousin
Michael just got his mission call to Jackson, Mississippi. And my cousin
Shawn just returned home from Honduras! I’m so proud of you guys.
And my sister
Mandi, you did such a great job last weekend! You guys looked so cute out there.(She is on Snow College's dance team and did a great job last weekend performing at halftime during the football game. I'm very proud of her.)
And to everyone: Have a
FABULOUS rest of the week!